Some LtU Links
Here are some links from the Lambda weblog, squirrelled away here for reference. Topics: Declarative langauges for simulations (CLAIRE and frp); and introductions to category theory.
(I forgot that bzero doesn't auto-link the URLs in the posting. I'll fix them later.) [Later: I think I have fixed them.]
- Lambda msg 11220 in thread http://lambda.weblogs.com/discuss/msgReader$11172#11242 about an interview with Victoria Livschitz ...
- Stuart Allie has been "... working on a large-ish simulation of a power generation and distribution network, and doing it in ..." Pascal. He was looking for links regarding designing a DSL for doing this kind of thing in a more declarative way.
Isaac Guoy supplied a link to a LtU discussion of CLAIRE: http://lambda.weblogs.com/discuss/msgReader$7502?mode=topic
- Andrew Cooke supplied these two links about "frp" ... http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/antony/pubs/frpcont.pdf
- And then there's this thread about the 1996 paper "Elements of Basic Category Theory", by Alfio Martini ... http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/martini96element.html ...
The thread contains a link to a wiki-like intro to Category Theory, called "Category Theory 101"; and a link to a PDF of a set of slides that are another intro: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~sme/presentations/cat101.pdf (PDF, duh).
(I forgot that bzero doesn't auto-link the URLs in the posting. I'll fix them later.) [Later: I think I have fixed them.]
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